Tuesday 11 January 2011

instant baby?

my mother's taking astrology classes.
here's an example of why nobody's mother should take these.

telephone call home.
me: so how's your class going?
*yes, i am stupid that way. i ask such questions*
mom: oh, i had to tell you. i was studying your and Vs horoscope.
me: ok.
mom: and you should have a baby by Feb 2011.
me: huh? what?
mom: yes. you should. i don't know what you're waiting for. all the stars are aligned. you should have a baby by feb 2011. otherwise, you may have to wait 6 months.
me: i'll wait.
mom: for what?! why can't you have one by Feb. It's good for the baby also.
me: erm... it's jan now. i CANNOT have a baby in a month.



  1. You did say, "Mom's attending Astrology classes, my future is in danger" :D

  2. yeah, quite the oracle I am.
